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The Headaches

Do you have any brother or sisters? If you do, tell what they are like. If not, tell whether or not you would like to have a brother or sister.

 *sigh* Yes, I do have both brothers and sisters. I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters. Ages are Ebony 19, Nile 13, Alexis 12, Markel 7, and Gabriella 5. Siblings are like the best and worst of both worlds. They make you want to scream but they also make you laugh. They take your things without permission, but you do the same. They are always in your face all up in your space, but without them there you don't know what you would do. I love them all, all the time. But I don't necessarily like them all the time. We have the cry babies, the whiners, the stealers, the liars, the tattle tales, the grumpy ones, the comedians, the huggers, the kissers, the way beyond their years, the spoiled brats, the overly dramatic ones, and most of all we have the protectors. 
  We all protect each other from everyone else. It's like we fight each other and try to sabotage one another but don't let anyone else try to hurt one of us then it gets real personal and real ugly. Having brothers and sisters means having friends from birth. Boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends and just friends come and go throughout life, but your sibs are there always. No matter what you do you can count on them to be there, and that's something you can't say about everyone. You can tell them things you wouldn't tell your parents or anyone else for that matter. And even when they get under your skin and you yell innuendos like "I hate you!" or "Why can't you just leave me alone!"or my personal favorite "I wish I never had a brother/sister!" sometimes it's remixed to "I wish I were an only child!", but with all that said none of it's true. And it's never taken seriously because you know and they know that without one another we could never be who we are today.

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