Fat Nation
Obesity has evolved from a little problem effecting a few people to a huge (no pun intended) problem effecting a lot of people. Not only is it bad for the individual, but it also takes a toll on us as a society.
When a person is obese it means that they have a much higher level of body fat than is considered healthy. Obesity causes major health risks including but not limited to, heart disease, liver disease, bone and joint fragility, gallstones, diabetes and also certain cancers. Not only does obesity effect a person physically health wise, but obesity can harm a person mentally. Obese individuals tend to have psychological and emotional problems, according to Dr. Arthur Schoenstadt of www.MedTv .com.
As for the effects of obesity on society that is more of an economical downfall. When you are obese you are bound to have serious health issues, these health issues are going to require more doctors visits than the average person. With more doctors visits insurance rates are going to rise. Insurance companies have no choice but to increase the premiums due to the fact that obese people need more treatment. As consumers we feel this rise in the insurance rates in our wallets. Also we are hit as a society when the manufactures of, let’s say, seats -cars, planes, trains, etc. - have to increase the size of the seats they are making. Yes, each individual seat is not being increased all that much, but when you put it all in perspective you can see the big picture. The big picture being that that Ford that was once $6,000 just rose to $6,050 (www.weightofobesity.info).
So you see obesity isn't just a personal issue, not anymore at least. It has become a societal problem that needs to be addressed and reformed for the sake of everyone in our nation.
The Effects of Obesity on Society as a Whole.
Web. 7 January 2009 <http://www.weightofobesity.info/obesity/the-effects-of-obesity-on-society-as-a-whole-17/>
Health Effects of Obesity. “An Overview of the Health Effects of Obesity”
Web. 28 April 2009 <http://weight-loss.emedtv.com/obesity/health-effects-of-obesity.html>
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