It is an inevitable fact of life that at some point you will be stressed out. You will want to just throw in the towel and give up. There will be days somewhere along the line where you know that you can’t take anymore. These are the days that you probably just sit back and wish and envision your paradise. The dream vacation place that you know you will probably never get to, but that fact aside you still think about it. Well, at least that is what I do.
My vision of an ideal vacation would be first off a place where I am alone! That is the number one rule. It will not, and I repeat will not be a family affair. This vacation is an Ashley by herself thing. Secondly, I would like it to be sunny and warm, not scorching and hot, just sunny and warm. My day would start with breakfast in bed, something new each morning. Then I would spend my days lying on the temperate white sand (even though I really don’t like sand) reading a book or something or just listening to my iPod. After a while of that I would go swimming, more or less floating, in the clear cool ocean water. In the afternoons I would enjoy a wonderful meal lunch and then go take a nap. When I awake from my refreshing nap I would go to a beach party or some type of entertainment and stay out all night long. I would repeat this pattern everyday, well for about a week because after that I would be so bored and lonely. But the point is for that week I would have had the most relaxing and enjoyable time of my life.
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