
hey look!!!!


Prompt 7


            People everywhere are different. We all know that; we know some people like to watch television while others prefer to go play outside. We know some folk like colorful things and others like to keep it simple with black and white. And some like foods other people may consider disgusting. It all depends on your unique individual criterion.
            The reason for how and why certain people choose the foods they eat are vast. It can be the result of anything form religion reasons to just plain and simple desire. For instance a person of Muslim faith cannot eat red meat (pork, beef etc.). That doesn’t necessarily mean that that person doesn’t like red meat it just means they will never eat it. Allergies also play a factor in what a person eats. Many people are allergic to seafood, chocolate, nuts, dairy, etc. so that is another set of people who can’t consume all types of food, therefore forcing them to choose particular foods.
            Like a said before though, the choice of a particular food by a particular person can ultimately come down to their specific likes and dislikes. If you enjoy peanuts then it can be safe to assume you probably enjoy foods that contain peanuts. Same goes for when you don’t like the taste of something. Take myself for an example, I’m not allergic to anything (that I know of), but I highly dislike bologna. So chances are you will never catch me eating a bologna sandwich.
            As you can see there is no clear cut answer to why different people like to est different things. It all depends on you.

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