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Personal Statment

Standing in for prompts 6 and 20

The Personal Statement

          “The Hood” is what neighborhoods like mine are most commonly referred to as. In most senses of the phrase that is what my neighborhood is. What else would you call a place where the streets a re reddened with graffiti? Where gangbangers parade around like they are important. What other word could you possibly use to describe a community that is predominantly minorities, and where sirens are just part of the norm? Well I don’t know about you but I would call it home.
            My area may not be the best, but none the less it is my area. I was born right here in Inglewood, CA and this is my home. Ninety percent of my academic life has been spent going to schools all over Inglewood. If you were to listen to the hype you’d believe that Inglewood is no better than the next hood. That anyone from here is never going to make it out. That we are destined for failure. Well I beg to differ, even though Inglewood is my dwelling I have traveled out of country and spent two years studying in Jamaica. It was great there and of course a lot of things were different, but I don’t think I learned anything more than I would have here. It has nothing to do with where you live, but how you choose to live. You can choose to be on the straight and narrow and make something of your self by getting an education or you can pick the path that will get you stuck exactly where you are.
            I believe that you’re a product of your environment. Environment, meaning not only your community, but also your family and friends because the people in your life have as much as an impact on you as your neighborhood. With me, my family are the ones who helped mold me into the young lady I am. Specifically, my mother. My mom is probably one of the most inspirational people I know. How many women can raise three children, for the most part, on her own while being an immigrant herself? She not only did that but she made it a priority to get her AA and after that she put herself through law school. All this while working full time at the airport, raising her children, and dealing with the struggles a young woman new to America would face. Her bravery, determination and strength amaze me and instill in me the confidence to do whatever. From her I learned that education is one of the most important building blocks to a successful life.
            Ever since I was a toddler I have known exactly what I wanted to be in life. A pediatrician has always been number one on my list of possible future professions. I joke and say my mom brainwashed me into wanting to be one but the reality is that she instilled in me from a young age to have big hopes and go for them. She never once hinted that I had limitations when it came to dreaming. As I have gotten older and realize my likes and dislikes my interests have changed. Yes, I still want to be a pediatrician but I now know more of what I prefer so my mind has been opened to other possibilities.
In closing, I have come to understand all the different circumstances and people that have helped shape me into the person I am today. I am who I am because of where I come from and who I have learned from.

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