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Prompt 16

We Must Work Together!

In kindergarten to about second grade you are taught sharing is caring, from third to around sixth grade you are coached on working together skills, from seventh grade on up you are know expected to  work with other people respectfully and cooperatively. Cooperatively being the key word here, meaning no outrageous arguments and getting the work done in a timely manner while incorporating everyone’s input.
Cooperating is a simple skill taught and instilled in us from childhood, but it is one of the most important lessons every to be taught. Without the skills to cooperate you will make it no where in life. It’s that simple. No one will like you because you are so disagreeable and teachers and bosses won’t put up with you, because you slow up production by being such pain.
To me cooperating comes easily, I can adjust to working with just about any group. But keep in mind cooperating isn’t a one person task, especially when having to do group work; you have to learn to cooperate with complete a-holes. You have to be able to adjust to other personalities, ones that probably won’t be as adjustable and willing as you. And of course there will be times when you have to cooperate with people who just aren’t cooperative people, but hey what can I say except life isn’t fair and that’s just how its going to be at times.

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