
hey look!!!!


Money Problems

Describe several ways a person your age can make money.

With the economy being so bad people, young and old, everywhere are desperately seeking employment. And to say the least it is not easy. Jobs aren't hiring like they used to and wages are definitely not what they used to be. The competition is tougher also. For a good majority of jobs bilingual speakers are higher on the list, that along with educated individuals. Now being a teenager dosen't satisfy those requirments alot of the times. Especially since the jobs us teens are used to getting (i.e. Busboy, waitress, fry cook etc.) are all being taken by older people. Older people have more experience and are less of a liability. So we young people find ourselves competing for the same position as McDonald's cashier with adults 3 times our age. And it is not fair. How can we compete with a person that has had way more work experience and history than we have had. So to say the least it's hard out here for a young cat trying to find a decent and respectable job. And I understand that it's not the older folks fault after all they are just trying to make ends meet. Plus they probably have way more needs for money than we do, but still I do need money for myself also. So to answer the question what can teens my age do for a little extra cash? To be honest when you find out please do share, because I could use a few more dollars in my pocket.

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