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Pizza with Sasha

If you could have lunch with any famous person who would it be? What would you talk about with this person?

  If I could have lunch with any person it would have to be Aleksander Vujacic. Better known as LA Lakers shooting guard Sasha Vujacic. I don't know there is just something about him that just intrigues me so. Maybe it's his thick Slovenian accent or his dark Serbian features. It could be the way he towers over so many at a solid 6ft 7in. Or maybe it's the way he flips his hair. Actually I thing it's the way his last name sounds. Whatever it is I like it. 
 So if I could have Lunch with him first off I would choose pineapple pizza because it's my favorite. Then I would like to talk about him. Just basically his life. That would be really cool to hear him talk about growing up in Slovenia and all that jazz.Actually it would just be really cool to hear him talk. I don't know call me crazy but when I read this prompt this is the first name that came to mind. I mean of course if I really thought about it I could have come up with way more extravagant people. Like great actors (Denzel or Will Smith), legendary singers (Whitney Houston), Motivational people(Oprah) and of course I could have chosen they ever so popular,wonderful, extraordinary, handsome, just plain awesome Mr. President Barack Obama. But I didn't I chose my dear ol' Aleksander.

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