
hey look!!!!


Prompt 2

Opposites Attract
            Have you ever seen that episode of Tom and Jerry where Tom and Jerry teamed up to stop that one stray cat that kept trying to eat Jerry and kept messing with Tom? If you have ever seen this old cartoon then you know that Tom (a cat) and Jerry (a mouse) are basically sworn enemies and during every episode Tom is trying to catch and eat Jerry, and every episode Tom fails and Jerry gets away. So why in this particular episode does Tom help Jerry and vice versa? Well because, even though Tom and Jerry are complete opposites and normally have nothing in common in this situation they had common ground.
It has been proven throughout history that when put to the test enemies will join together to defeat the bigger evil. For example, The Civil War; the slaves banded with the Northerners to defeat the South. The slaves knew that even if they fought with the North that in the end they would still be discriminated against, but it was a lot better than being in slavery. This has proven to be the outcome in many cases, specifically in wars. You find people working together who under normal circumstances wouldn’t, all for the sake of a just cause. Another example where different people come together and become allies, usually in the name of justice, was the Civil Rights Movement. Minorities weren’t the only ones protesting, but there were white people also. White people who never experienced racism or discrimination before in their lives were there defending the same rights as the minorities.  
This analogy isn’t specified directly towards large groups, but it can also stand true for individuals. I, being an African-American young lady, who grew up in Inglewood, CA can amalgamate with a Caucasian young man from Kentucky. All we need is common ground and a cause to fight for. That’s all it takes.

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