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Prompt 5

Don’t Be Like the Dinosaurs

            My mom is always telling me “Girl you better be able to change and adapt, ‘cuz if you can’t you going to end up like the dinosaurs.” I usually just say something along the lines of “Yeah, mom okay”. But her words hold a lot more truth than I give her credit for; one of the reasons the dinosaurs are said to be extinct is due to the fact they couldn’t adapt to the changing world. The inability to be able to move with the times did the dinos in, and has also been the downfall of many people and civilizations over the centuries.
            Sometimes unexpected trials come up, you didn’t plan for them and it totally throws your whole agenda. But hey, that’s life what else can be said. Nothing in life is certain but death, meaning every thing from now till then is susceptible to change. If you can’t deal with that then you are just plain out of luck, because that is how it’s going to be.
            I think a personal example will do this prompt good. Okay so when you travel by plane there is this standby system called “buddy passes”. Buddy passes are literally passes given to airline employees that allow them to let a buddy/buddies fly free of charge on standby. Sounds too good to be true? Well you’re right it is, buddy passes are based on seniority scale. Meaning the longer the employee has been working on that airline the, more legit the pass is and the better chance you have at getting on the flight. So, my mom and I were going to Atlanta earlier this year and we were flying on buddy passes. The guy who we got the passes from had been working on the airline for 15 years. You would think that put us closer to top priority, it didn’t. We had been waiting for hours and the plane had already boarded, we were just about to go check on another flight when one of the ticket people said “all remaining passengers quickly go find a seat” . Now in all my years of flying I have never experienced anything like that. All the remaining passengers were rushing to get on the plane, the attendants were taking our carryon’s because there was no more space for them so they would have to be shipped. Complete chaos, but in the end we got on the flight and everything was good. Point of the story being we had to quickly change our plans from what we originally decided. If my mom and I had become too flustered and frustrated we would have probably missed our flight. But we stayed cool and collected; we were not going to be the dinosaurs in this situation.

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