
hey look!!!!



Describe the oldest person you know.

 The oldest person I know is "Grandma". Now Grandma isn't my real grandma but that's what everyone calls her. She used to live in my apartment but she moved out a few years back. I remember when she still lived her though, there is no way I can ever forget Grandma. 
  Well to start off Grandma's real name is Maria Cooper and she is now 90. She immigrated here from Nigeria like 60 years ago. Grandma would tell me stories of how it was back home in Nigeria when she lived there. Even though she was from Nigeria I never heard an accent it sounded more English than anything. But anyway Grandma is one of the sweetest people I know. As long as I have known her I have never heard her yell, raise her voice or say a bad thing to or about anyone. She always had extra food and treats in her house and was always available to babysit. All the little kids loved when Grandma watched them, because we knew we were in for cookies, candies and stories. 
 When she moved away it was really sad. I remember going into the empty apartment and still being able to smell the scent of Grandma. It's been years and many people have moved in and out of that unit but no matter what everyone still refers to it as Grandma's apartment.

1 comment:

Amiri (Jenny C.) said...

She sounds like a nice old lady. Your details are specific; they took me back to the memories. Nice entry.