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Random Acts of Kindness

Imagine you had a hundred dollars, but you couldn't keep it. You had to give it away to a person or charity. Who would you give it to? What would you want them to do with it?

   If I had $100  and had to give away to a person or charity I would give it to the charity of "Ashley's Empty Pockets."Hahaha no not really...although...nah I'm just joking. In all honesty If I had a hundred dollars to give away I would give it to a random person on the street.
   You are probably like "Are you crazy girl! How you just gonna give it to some random person?" You are most likely thinking that it's a really dumb thing to do. But guess what I don't care what you think so HA. No just joking again I do care what you think... But yeah there is a method to my maddness. You're like if I give a random person on the street a hundred dollars who knows what they might do with it! They might go buy drugs maybe even a prostitute. They could go buy a gun and hold up a liquor store the next day or they could just go buy something stupid like a plush pillow or something of that irrelevant nature. Well if that was what you are thinking then you are a very realistic person, and also possibly very correct. Your right my random person my very well be an evil, non-deserving of a dime, never did anything kind for anyone bastard. Or they could be a person who desperately needs to pay their rent so them and their kids won't be out on the streets tonight. That same person who you believe is going to shoot that 100 right up their arm could be using that 100 dollars to buy their ailing father insulin, because they don't have health care and dad's diabetes is rapidly getting worse.
   The way I see it just because you are not so unfortunate that you're living on the streets doesn't mean your not in need. We are all in need of something or the other, some way more than others. And it just so happens that all the charities in the world can't meet the needs of all the people who are in need. So yeah the person I give the $100 to might go use it for something bad or really stupid, but I like to think that I'd be giving it to someone who is truly in need of a blessing.

1 comment:

cherish said...

that is very mice.