
hey look!!!!


Restuarant...I think not

Imagine you opened your own restaurant. Tell the name of your restaurant. explain what the restaurant looks like, who works there, and what you serve.

  Now if you read the posts that came before this one then you would know I DO NOT LIKE COOKING!!!  So why in Heaven's name would I open a restaurant??? Although people do like to eat and  food joints can be successful, but still getting into a buisness you have no passion for never really works for the best. 
  Even though I wouldn't open a restaurant I can still discuss what it would be like if I ever did. To start off it would be the shape of a pair of red lips(would you consider lips a pair???). I think that architectural design would draw in sooo many people just because it looks so awesome. And the name would be...catch this... Les Levres Rouges. It means The Red Lips in French. How cool is that? As for my employees They would be hot French folk. To be more specific hot male French folk. And there uniforms would be... I'll get back to you on that. 
  I guess the most important part of the restaurant would be the food. Now the food would be I don't know maybe French food (I am so clever). So yeah, French food like French fries and French toast...Hahaha I'm just kidding. I would have foods along the lines of  Souffle au Fromage and Pate de Lapin, oh and how about some Mousse de foies de volaille. Sound good huh? Well if it does to you then you must speak some French, because I have no clue what those meals are I just got them off Google. God bless Google. But really a French restaurant would be pretty great in my opinion. But word to the wise learn to speak French...could really come in handy.

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