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Deepest Fear

Describe your Deepest Fear

  Most people are afraid of insects or dogs. Some are afraid of failure or being in the dark. And you have the majority of the people who fear death, pain and really evil people. Oddly enough none of these things are my deepest fear. Every last one of them are just a part of life that everyone will have to deal with sooner or later, so why be frightful? 
 Now I'm not saying a huge cockroach doesn't totally make my skin crawl or my heart doesn't race when a Pitbull growls at me. And I'm certainly not trying to say psycho killers don't give me the hibbie-jibbies, because they most definitely do. Getting scared is a part of human nature so im not trying to claim to be super human or anything like that. In fact my deepest fear is so crippling to me that I try my hardest not to have to think about it or I get really anxious and suffer from anxiety attacks. Yeah it's that serious.
 My deepest fear is the one thing I can't escape. My deepest fear is reality. More so that the reality I know might not be real. Now I don't expect anyone to really understand this, but it was the assignment so I will try my best to clarify it. So what I mean is that I fear the unknown. Not the unknown that can soon be figured out, but the unknown that will never be known. Like who am I? And is this really happening or is it some sort of facade? Am I in a imaginative dimension that I shall forever be a prisoner of?
  Okay I know who I am in relation to this "world", but what is this world in relation to me? Who is to say this is real or not? It is just so deep it's scary. There's like to many questions and no answers for them. I don't need scientist's and theologian's and philosopher's theories. I need answers, proven answers. But of course I can't get them. The only way I am able to satisfy myself is to hold faith in my religion. Keep on believing God just made it this way. My only solace is to be able to keep on blaming it on God's plan. I need to say this is all there is. There are no reasons why or how. It is all because God said so. I can;t afford to question this reasoning because if I do then I will drive my self two ways to crazy trying to figure out the "truth".

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